भारत सरकार

वित्त मंत्रालय

राजस्व विभाग

केंद्रीय अप्रत्यक्ष कर एवं सीमा शुल्क बोर्ड

लॉजिस्टिक्स निदेशालय

सीमा शुल्क एवं अप्रत्यक्ष कर

चतुर्थ तल, ‘ए’ विंग, लोक नायक भवन, खान मार्केट, नई दिल्ली-110003

Shri Manish Kumar, Principal Commissioner, DOL

Welcome to the webpage of the Directorate of Logistics (DOL).

The DOL is the apex nodal agency to monitor the logistical requirements of field formations pertaining to Anti-smuggling, Communication and Marine. It also assists the Board in planning and assessing the need for staff training, equipments, vehicles, vessels, communications or other resources required for anti smuggling work and to deal with the matters concerning acquisition, procurement, purchase, repair and reallocation of such equipment.

The DOL is also the apex organisation dealing with matters relating to the Indian Customs K9 establishement. The DOL is responsible for policy formulation, procurements, establishment of CCCs, formulation of recruitment rules. It includes devising strategy for detecting contrabands using K9, development of various protocols and training modules for handling dogs, monitoring the performance of CCCs and K9 Squads. DOL also deals with inter-ministerial and international collaborations on K9 matters.

Access to the site is available both in English and Hindi languages and efforts shall be to update it on regular basis. Feedbacks and suggestions are welcome to be sent to DOL on
